Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Hunter v HIghland

Well, as you can see from the pictures, Hunter had a sad game of standing on the sideline and watching his team play the game. On Thursday night the team BEGGED the coaches to play a stupid tackling game called British Bulldog. The coaches agreed, "just this one time" and that is all it took. The entire team, including all line men, took Hunter's body and mashed, twisted, and hit it until he was lifeless on the practice field. Only then did the horror fill their hearts and minds as they realized their secret weapon was not moving. All I have to say about that is DUH!
According to eye witnesses, Hunter's face mask is ultimately what hit his quad and caused him to black out. Hunter bruised his quad muscle when his face mask was slammed into his thigh, yes his face was still attached to the face mask, and that is the point where he blacked out! He was out for only this game, thank heavens, and on crutches for 4 days. He was very very sore, but he battled through and made a full recovery. Unfortunately the team lost the game by 1 touchdown. It was so sad. At least we still have 3 games left!

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