Sunday, March 21, 2010

The end of it all (part 2)....

Hayden also ended his basketball season this week. His team did great, they won 4 games! Hayden did a good job and shows a lot of promise for the future. I am lucky to be the mom of such talented boys!

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The end of it all....

Hunter's Basketball days are over until next year.  He was sad to see it end, but anxious to get into a better league next year. Hunter played his heart out and he proved to be a very talented player. We look forward to next year!

Hunter had a great fan club!
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What the-

So, my boys get to go to Kristi's house every Wednesday while I am still at work. I would like to believe they are doing wonderful things such as reading, studying, homework, or service...when low and behold I find this story on my sister's blog...

Batman and Batwoman out for a nice drive in the Batmobile.

When's evil Fairy Culpepper!!

The Evil Culpepper has kidnapped Pooh Bear. Can our caped crusaders save him in time...

Oh no, Batwoman is in trouble!!

They've captured the Evil Culpepper & saved the day!!

(Well I guess it is better than being in a gang and doing drugs....)