Hunter, in my oppinion was done for the day. Paramedic agreed and handed me Hunter's helmet. Hunter's head was ringing, and hurting, he was pale and shaking. However, he knew where he was and who he was playing. He seemed to be aware of his surroundings. Next thing I know he takes a drink and is back in the game. 2 plays later our lineman is hit in the head and taken via ambulance to Primarys. That is when it really hit me, that so easily could have been Hunter.
The coaches did not let him run the ball for the rest of the game, thank heavens, (the male people in the family, aka- Dave and Hunter,
were not happy about that). But he did get 3 onside kicks that game, yeah for Hunter!
By the end of the day, Hunter's head hurt really bad and he was sick to his stomache, Sunday morning he had a bad headache, but by Monday he was fine...we just keep asking him who he far so good, he is Hunter Munk, future President of the United States.
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