Monday, February 4, 2008

In Loving Memory...

Junior MacPherson Munk "Pop"

Great Grandpa "Pop" passed away late Sunday night. He had been in the hospital for minor surgery and due to complications passed on. We got the news early Monday morning and are so sad at the loss of our Grandpa. We are sad for "Gauze" and know that she will miss him. We are also sad for "Baka" and Dad (Dave) because they will miss him too. "Pop" was always fun to visit because he always had a game on the T.V. and his back yard was so amazing. "Pop" had a work shop that he loved to be in and we will always treasure the things that he made for us. We will miss him but know that he is in a better place and looking down on us now. May he guide us in our paths to be with him one day.

1 comment:

Tara said...

What a nice tribute to your dear grandpa. Jon's had to do two funerals as bishop in the last month. He shared the quote that goes something like, "If there was no love in life, there would be no sorrow in death." Our sorrow is just a manifestation of our love. So sorry to hear of your loss.