Saturday, July 5, 2008

Maka: The Babysitter

Maka came to our house to babysit the kids while we were in Florida. I think they had more fun with her in those 4 days than they have had with us all summer! Friday they went to Clark's Planetarium and visited the Moon!

Then they took Trax to the Salt Lake Temple.
Then it was off to the musical for Harley, Hunter, and Maka.
Saturday was spent at the musical from 11am to 10:00pm. The kids did a great job and closing night was really sad for all of them. Even Hunter admitted he was going to miss the cast and the show. At 10:30pm they packed up the car and drove to Maka's house in Orem.
Sunday was a peaceful day with a very crazy bubble bath for the boys.
Monday morning the kids helped Baka build a shed/playhouse in the backyard. Harley was very happy her hair was "back to the 20th century" for the rest of the summer and the pictures especially!
Then Maka took the kids to "This Is The Place" State Park. They had a blast working in the garden, washing clothes, going to school, and learning all about Brigham Young and the Pioneers.

Tuesday was a very disappointing day for the kids. Aside from the tragedy of their parents coming home and "Super Maka" leaving them to the wicked and evil parents they were unfortunately born to :) the much anticipated Freedom Land was not opened so they did not get to go there. They stayed at home instead and made cards and banners for our return. They were happy to see us and we were glad to be home. It was good that they had fun while we were having fun too! Thanks Maka!

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