Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Well for those of you that read the birthday post for Hayden know that he got his scout uniform and could not contain his excitement for Tuesday night-Scout night! It was a big pack meeting for him many new and exciting things happened. First he was introduced to the pack along with the other new 8 year olds. When the pack leader asked if anyone wanted to say the Scout Motto Hayden raised his hand and rattled it off. Then the Pack Leader asked if anyone wanted to say the scout promise, this time Hayden waited for someone else to raise their hand and when no one did-up went his hand and he recited the Scout Promise. (These were things he memorized 24 hours after turning 8! Ambitious!)

Then they did a really cute object lesson showing the cubs that it takes the boy, the parent, and the cub leader working together to make a firm foundation. After that he got to cross over the bridge into the pack and that was really cool! All the cubs and their leaders stand on either side of a wooden bridge and the new scout gets to walk across the bridge and into the pack!

And just when you thought that was all...He earned his Bobcat and was awarded it! He got a badge and I got a pin! *He turned 8 on a Friday, pack meeting was on Tuesday...he worked hard and passed everything off on Sunday!*
Then it was Hunter's turn. The pack decided to start a new tradition. The leaders all got together and voted for 1 boy to be the Pack leader. The Den Leader said that this boy was someone that followed the Scout Law, Motto, and Promise. A boy that was a good example and leader to the other scouts. And the leaders voted unanimously for...HUNTER MUNK!! I marvel everyday at what a good boy Hunter is and I am proud of him that he conducts himself well outside of the home too. He is a natural leader and a great friend, this is such a great honor and I am sure it is just the beginning for him. The Pack Leader had some yellow cords and presented them to Hunter to wear on his uniform. It was a great moment and it gave Hayden something to strive to be. And yes, this is Hunter's "happy face."

Then the skits began. The theme was "What I want to be when I grow up." Hunter of course was Lebron James and Darin Sprouls...notice how ALL the boys seem to want to be the same thing...

1 comment:

Okie said...

That's way fun. Scouts is great, especially with excited kids, parents and leaders. :)