Wednesday, June 9, 2010


So the last day of school is upon us and I am in my classroom working when I get a phone call from a random cell number, it was Harley asking me to call the office and see then the buses were going to be at the school. My response was, "I am working, why don't you just walk down the hall and ask the office yourself?"  There was silence on the phone...."Hello? Harley?" Timidly Harley answered with this explanation: "Um our principal told us we could leave the school, and I called Dad and he said I could leave the school, so I am at Baskin Robbins getting ice cream with my friends." ME: Really, you are off the school campus. Really?" Harley: Mom, don't be mad, it is the last day of school. whatever whatever...
2 hours later
Harley gets home and is itching, so I look at her arm and ALARM ALARM hives are EVERYWHERE.
I told her she had hives and I told her this is what happens when you skip get sick! She did not appreciate that response.  It took 3 FULL days of Benadryl every 4 hours before she started to feel better. It was quite the punishment, one that she will not forget!

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