Friday, April 25, 2008


I lost my littlest pet shops and I want them really bad. I lost them because I had them at school. And I really want them back. This is our phone number ******* I want people to call me if you find them. They are little, and they are bobble heads. They are a crab, a dog, and a gecko, and a dog that has a drink and a bed. That is all. Hayden Munk

This is the "Lost add" that Hayden made for the newspaper and the flyers to put up around the neighborhood. The missing part of the story is: Hayden put them in his pocket, took them to school, played with them at school, put them in his desk, and forgot to get them when he went home. So in theory they are still in his desk right? Hmmmm. But what if they are not in his desk? What if they are in the truck? What if they are behind his bed? What if Harley took them? What if someone broke into the school and took them? What if they are wandering the streets looking for Hayden and don't remember where he lives? So many questions so much anxiety what is a boy to do...make a Lost poster! It was that or look through the phone book and call his teacher requesting she go back to school, find them, and bring them to his house. (Not at all unreasonable)


cmshort said...

Is it so much to ask to have your teacher go back to work on a weekend and find your LPS toys? I mean really. I love your kids. They all crack me up. You can't ever be bored. Che'

Jess said...

oh no! I hope they are patiently waiting in his desk. Sure, they may be a little hungry but I'm sure they will survive. The dog, after all, had a drink. Maybe he shared.

Gandalf said...

Maybe they will get hungry and find their way home??