Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Sunday night Hunter woke up with a tooth ache. It kept him up all night, we gave him tylenol, a hot pad, and attempted to get him comfortable until morning. I called the dentist and got him an appointment for later that day. And since Harley's spacers keep popping out I figured-2 birds one stone-right?

So off we go to the dentist and they take Harley back first. The dentist took one look at her teeth and said, "She is ready for braces, the sooner the better. But I am not comfortable with doing them, she is going to need a lot of work." Poor Harley, she is excited to get braces and have happy, straight, beautiful teeth, but she has had so many painful things happen to her mouth already...she just wants to be done! Oh yeah she also had a cavity, which she was NOT happy about. So off to the "Tweetment Room" she went to get that filled and her spacers removed. Since the laughing gas makes her throw up, she had to do this procedure without it...OUCH!

Hunter was next and he had a huge cavity on one of his molars. Thankfully it was on a baby tooth, so no big deal right? Well the cavity was big enough and painful enough that the tooth had to go! So off to the "Tweetment Room" went Hunter. His tooth was really stubborn and the roots refused to leave his mouth so there was a lot of digging and the dentist apologized repeatedly. OUCH! In 2 weeks Hunter gets to go back and get his top spacer put in!

They both had a throbbing mouth by the end of the hour and it earned them an ice cream at Wendy's. It was the least I could do for was painful to watch I can't imagine what it was like to be them...OUCH!
ps. Hayden would like everyone to know that he did not get a prize at the stupid dentist office!

1 comment:

Staci said...

Oh we do not mind the dentist when all is well but put the slightest pain in and we hate the dentist. sorry they had such a 'rotten' time.